Isn't this a great idea! It's a decorative timber cutout above a doorway at the 'Balcony' in Byron Bay. We went there for a quick coffee, which led to dinner... then wine... then dessert. Hee Hee.
We visited some of our friends in Byron Bay who were also escaping Melbourne's cold weather. We were obsessed with their cute little dinning room in the house that they were renting. Lots of windows and an abundance of dappled light.
Oooooooh we loved the Gold Coast Antique Warehouse with all of it's little treasures. I fell in love with this little bamboo tea set.
I spotted some stunning bird wallpaper in the shop 'Lazy Bones', and was desperate to get a roll to cover my walls but unfortunately it was sourced as an off cut off the Internet! We did however buy ourselves a few summer dresses from 'Lazy Bones' in preparation for our summer in Victoria...hopefully sunshine and sparkling warm coastal waters will appear soon!
We jetted off for a quick break north for some much needed sunshine. And of course QLD and Northern NSW did not disappoint. This is a quick snap of my unsuspecting mum looking very gorgeous and tropical about to order us a coffee in Bangalow. My goodness what a beautiful and inspiring little town this is!
The Iconic Palm Beach Aesthetic
How to get the playful elegance of Palm Beach interiors.
[image: Palm Beach Style Decor Ideas Inspiration]
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1 week ago